User Agreemen

Social Network Boosting Service

The User Agreement is concluded between a user as an individual and the administration of the Internet resource – Social Network Boosting Service


User – is a natural person of age, able to exercise his civil rights through his actions and to carry and fulfill civil responsibilities in the event of non-compliance or violation of the accepted terms of the Service User Agreement.


Administration – CLICKBANG LP, registered at Suite 2, 5 St. Vincent str. EH3 6SW, Edinburgh, Scotland as the sole owner of the Service and site. The Administration has private property rights and provides organizational, financial, technical support for maintenance and functioning of the site.


Parties– Administration, Users and Site Visitors.


Site - an Internet resource at, offering its services for boosting social networks. The Administration owns and manages the site on the terms of private property rights.

Public offer – offer is extended by the Administration to the users. It is a specific business offer expressed with intention. The User Agreement is considered valid and concluded when a user registers and accepts the terms.

Acceptance - parties (Users) should accept the terms of the Agreement prior to registering and using the Service. Acceptance of the User Agreement terms is indicated by registering, checking the relevant box, using the site services for different purposes (including for informational purposes).


1. General Terms

1.1. The User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) defines the general rules for visiting, using services and application of the services offered by the Website to Users. It regulates the civil law relationships among Users, Users and Administration.

1.2. This Agreement may be amended by the Administration’s decision, unilaterally. The Administration is not liable to personally notify users of such changes. The new edition of the Agreement enters into force from the moment of publication on the Site.

1.3. Terms of the Agreement apply to all visitors and users of the Site, no exception.

1.4. The Parties agree to the provision that any person who uses the Site has accepted the Public Offer and agreed to the provisions of this Agreement. The user or visitor is aware of the legal consequences of the Agreement. The user or visitor fully understands and agrees with the terms and obligations established for each of the parties by the Agreement.

1.5. By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the User gives his/her consent to the Administration for processing his/her personal data provided during registration, including, but not limited to, sending messages to the registered e-mail.

1.6. In case of disagreement with the Agreement (in part or in whole), the individual shall not have the right to use the information of the Site, Services or any resources.


2. Regulation of the Parties Relations

2.1. The Administration provides the Users with an informational resource, including but is not limited to, information about name, type, services, price list, time, duration, their cost, an order of registration, payment and Service, as well as other conditions relating to the activities of the Site.

2.2. The Administration provides registered Users with a set of options and functions that the Users can implement to solve their tasks of attracting more audience to the social network. The Administration provides services on a commercial basis, on a fee basis.

2.3. To use the services specified in clause 2.2. the Agreement, the User has to register and place the order through the Site. To register on the Site, the User shall provide his/her contact information, namely, e-mail, log in and password.

2.4. The Administration shall but is not obliged to provide advisory advice service and answer all questions. The advisory service is free of charge.

2.5. To receive the Service specified in clause 2.4. of the Agreement, the User shall post a question via "support chat" box. In this case, the User shall formulate a question, indicate the order ID, and describe the problem.

2.6. The Administration has the right not to respond to the User’s questions if the request is not clearly formulated, contains brutal, offensive words or obscenities addressed to the Administration, third parties, as well as for other reasons.

2.7. The purchase and using of the Services shall not entitle any User with any exclusive rights and privileges.

2.8. The Parties to the Agreement agree that the Administration has the right to place on the Site advertising blocks, banners, announcements anywhere, including the User’s profile without the additional consent of the User.

2.9. All information posted on the website by the Administration is copyrighted. The Administration holds all property and non-property rights to such information if not otherwise specified. At the same time, the User does not have any exclusive rights to the result of intellectual copyrighted activity, expressed in graphic, textual, audio-video form posted by the Administration on the Site.

2.10. The Administration is not obliged to protect the violated rights of the User, in the context of the settlement of disputes arising on this basis, including in court.

2.11. If the User violates the copyrights belonging to the Administration and (or) other persons, he is responsible as defined in the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.12. In case of detection of copyright infringement by the User, illegal placement of materials not belonging to the User, the Administration has the right (not the obligation) to restrict access such materials, upon the first request of the legal owner.

2.13. The User is prohibited from posting on the Site information that directly or indirectly contains pornography, obesities and nudity that offend, harm, damage someone’s dignity, and contain incitement to violence, outrages and other actions in violations of the current law, a certain territorial jurisdiction, containing malicious software and / or other information that may be harmful to third parties.

2.14. In case of violation of Clause 2.13 of the Agreement and the failure to comply with the requests from the Administration to withdraw such information from public access, Site Users are liable and responsible under the provisions of the Agreement and (or) the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Administration, in this case, has the right to remove the illegal content mentioned in clause 2.13.

2.15. The Administration is not responsible for the results of the User’s visit to the third-party (external) resources, links posted on the Site. The results mean any results including any material losses, moral damage and other negative consequences and outcomes.

2.16. The Services offered by the Administration to Users are distributed remotely within the framework established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the legislation consumer protection laws.

2.17. The Administration reserves the right to refuse to offer Services to certain persons without providing additional explanation of the reasons.


3. The Service Rules

3.1. The User has the right to freely use the services and offers on the Site to the fullest extent, except in cases when such use is illegal, violates the rights, freedoms and interests of the Administration and (or) other Users of the Site.

3.2. To use the functions of the Site to the full, the User shall register in the "Registration" section. The User shall complete a registration form with the required information: e-mail, log in and password. After filling the form, click the "Register" button to submit data for registration.

3.3. The Parties agree that the Administration shall send an informational message to the specified e-mail with a description of the services indicated on the Site, as well as any other information related to the Site. By registering and using the Site the User accepts the conditions and rules fully and guarantees that he will not have any complaints.

3.4. When registering at the Site and providing the data specified in clause 3.2 of the Agreement, the User has the right to use the full functionality of the Site.

3.5. The Administration is not responsible for the outcomes and results when the User places registration data on third-party resources. Such actions are legally valid in cases when third-party resources copy, duplicate information posted on the Site, including the company name, logo, design, style of presentation of information on the Site.

3.6. The Parties agree that the Services offered via the Site are provided in the amount and under the conditions agreed by the Parties after registration on the Site. 

3.7. The User is not entitled to refuse the services of good quality, provided in accordance with the User Agreement if only the User can use the specified services.

4. Responsibilities of the Parties

4.1. In the case of using the results of the intellectual property of the Administration - the Site materials, for any purpose, the User is obliged to obtain the permission of the Administration beforehand, before using such materials. With the permission of the Administration, the User shall display the full name and domain name of the source in the following format: Boosting Social Networks The hyperlink must be active and direct: when clicked, it goes to a specific page of the Site.

4.2. According to clause 4.1. of the Agreement, the User shall follow a relevant procedure in the case of using the results of intellectual property that belong to third parties. The method and procedure for the implementation are specified in the negotiation process with the copyright holder materials.

4.3. The Administration is not responsible for the actions of the Users, which resulted in a violation of the rights of third parties, except in cases determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 

4.4. The Administration is not responsible for the content of information posted by Users.

4.5. The Administration is not responsible for the content of Users of the Site. Opinions expressed by the Users of the Site are their subjective opinions. They may not express a general public opinion or correspond with the Service Administration position.

4.6. The Administration makes a decision on releasing/not releasing personal only on the basis of a request sent by a person of the Administration, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

4.7. The Administration has the right not to respond to requests, appeals and letters that do not contain the information of the applicant (full name, contact information).

4.8. The Administration is not responsible for the registration data that was specified by the User when interacting with the information field of the Site.

4.9. The Administration has the right, without explanation, to limit, block User access (including unregistered) to the Site, with partial or complete deletion of information that was posted by the User on the Site.


5. Dispute Settlement Procedure

5.1. In the event of the discovery on the Site the posted information containing intellectual property owned by third parties, the right holder shall:

5.1.1. Submit a claim with an indication of the actual and regulatory grounds that enable the Administration to remove information from public access.

5.1.2. Attach to the claim evidence of the copyrighted intellectual property (the original copy, other documents confirming the copyright).

5.1.3. Send the package of documents specified in the paragraphs 5.1.1., 5.1.2. of the Agreement, to the Administration email address:

5.2. Users shall send recommendations, requests, claims and complaints about the quality of service to the Administration email box:


6. Miscellaneous

6.1. All disagreements and disputes arising from relations between Users, Users and third parties, Users and Administration, not regulated by the Agreement, are resolved according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Parties to this Agreement are aware of the scope of the rights and obligations generated by the relationship of the persons referred to in this Agreement, are accountable of their actions, understanding the legal nature of the consequences of such actions, in full.

6.3. Inaction on the part of the Administration in the event of a violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Administration of the right to take appropriate actions later in defense of their interests and protection of rights protected by law.

6.4. Users can contact the Administration by sending appropriate requests and questions, except for those specified in clause 5 of the User Agreement.

6.5. Contact information of the Administration: